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PT460E.gif (10711 bytes)PT460E - The classic rigid stem melt pressure transducer

The model PT460E transducer has become a standard in the polymer industry. It is ideal for general purpose melt pressure measurements requiring simple installation, good accuracy, repeatability and reliability. Better than ±0.5% accuracy.

PT462E.jpg (64231 bytes)PT462E - The classic flexible stem melt pressure transducer

The model PT462E has an 18" flexible stem between it's rigid stem and the electronics housing to increase thermal isolation. It is the ideal choice for applications requiring good repeatability, accuracy and economy, and is widely accepted by OEM's throughout the world. Better than ±0.5% accuracy.

TPT463E.jpg (6534 bytes)TPT463E - The classic flexible stem melt pressure transducer with thermocouple

The model TPT463E combines a removable Type 'J' thermocouple with the classic PT462E pressure sensor to allow the user to make pressure and temperature measurements at a single point. It has a flexible stem for ease of mounting. Better than ±0.5% accuracy.

PT420A.jpg (7292 bytes)PT420A - High accuracy, rigid stem melt pressure transducer

The model PT420A is a rugged and reliable melt pressure transducer for applications in which high accuracy and repeatability are required along with a rigid stem configuration. Better than ±0.25% accuracy.

PT422A.jpg (7370 bytes)PT422A - High accuracy, flexible stem melt pressure transducer

The model PT422A is ideal for extrusion applications where accurate process measurement is essential. Examples include pressure control at the die or wherever high accuracy melt pressure measurement is required. The PT422A features an 18" flexible stem which provides thermal isolation of the electronics housing. Better than ±0.25% accuracy.

TPT432A.jpg (6947 bytes)TPT432A - High accuracy melt pressure transducer with thermocouple

The model TPT432A transducer simultaneously measures both temperature and pressure at a single point. The pressure sensor is the same as in the PT422A with the addition of a removable thermocouple, that can be replaced during operation. Better than ±0.25% accuracy.

PT4624.jpg (4210 bytes)PT4624, PT4625 & PT4626 - Amplified output melt pressure transducers with flexible stem

The models PT4624, PT4625 & PT4626 add built-in amplifiers the the basic PT462E melt pressure transducer, eliminating the need for external signal conditioning. All models interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers and similar high level control devices.

PT4624: 4 to 20mA output

PT4625: 0 to 5 Vdc output

PT4626: 0 to 10 Vdc output